57 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Spoken Dialogue Systems

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    Institute for Communicating and Collaborative SystemsThis thesis focuses on the problem of scalable optimization of dialogue behaviour in speech-based conversational systems using reinforcement learning. Most previous investigations in dialogue strategy learning have proposed flat reinforcement learning methods, which are more suitable for small-scale spoken dialogue systems. This research formulates the problem in terms of Semi-Markov Decision Processes (SMDPs), and proposes two hierarchical reinforcement learning methods to optimize sub-dialogues rather than full dialogues. The first method uses a hierarchy of SMDPs, where every SMDP ignores irrelevant state variables and actions in order to optimize a sub-dialogue. The second method extends the first one by constraining every SMDP in the hierarchy with prior expert knowledge. The latter method proposes a learning algorithm called 'HAM+HSMQ-Learning', which combines two existing algorithms in the literature of hierarchical reinforcement learning. Whilst the first method generates fully-learnt behaviour, the second one generates semi-learnt behaviour. In addition, this research proposes a heuristic dialogue simulation environment for automatic dialogue strategy learning. Experiments were performed on simulated and real environments based on a travel planning spoken dialogue system. Experimental results provided evidence to support the following claims: First, both methods scale well at the cost of near-optimal solutions, resulting in slightly longer dialogues than the optimal solutions. Second, dialogue strategies learnt with coherent user behaviour and conservative recognition error rates can outperform a reasonable hand-coded strategy. Third, semi-learnt dialogue behaviours are a better alternative (because of their higher overall performance) than hand-coded or fully-learnt dialogue behaviours. Last, hierarchical reinforcement learning dialogue agents are feasible and promising for the (semi) automatic design of adaptive behaviours in larger-scale spoken dialogue systems. This research makes the following contributions to spoken dialogue systems which learn their dialogue behaviour. First, the Semi-Markov Decision Process (SMDP) model was proposed to learn spoken dialogue strategies in a scalable way. Second, the concept of 'partially specified dialogue strategies' was proposed for integrating simultaneously hand-coded and learnt spoken dialogue behaviours into a single learning framework. Third, an evaluation with real users of hierarchical reinforcement learning dialogue agents was essential to validate their effectiveness in a realistic environment

    User Engagement Triggers in Social Media Discourse on Biodiversity Conservation

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    Studies in digital conservation have increasingly used social media in recent years as a source of data to understand the interactions between humans and nature, model and monitor biodiversity, and analyse online discourse about the conservation of species. Current approaches to digital conservation are for the most part purely frequentist, i.e. focused on easily trackable and quantifiable features, or purely qualitative, which allows a deeper level of interpretation, but is less scalable. Our approach aims to evaluate the applicability of recent advances in deep learning in combination with semi-automatic analysis. We present a multimodal neural learning framework that experiments with different combinations of linguistic and visual features and metadata of tweets to predict user engagement from a function of likes and retweets. Experimental results show that text is the single most effective modality for prediction when a large amount of training data is available. For smaller datasets, drawing information from multiple modalities can boost performance. Notably, we find a negative effect of large pre-trained language models when dealing with substantially unbalanced datasets. A qualitative analysis into the triggers of user engagement with tweets reveals that it emerges from a combination of online discourse topic and sentiment, and is often amplified by user activity, e.g. when content originates from an influencer account. We find clear evidence of existing sub-communities around specific topics, including animal photography and sightings, illegal wildlife trade and trophy hunting, deforestation and destruction of nature and climate change and action in a broader sense

    Audio Embeddings help to learn better dialogue policies

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    Presentado en ASRU 2021, Cartagena (Colombia), 13-17 diciembre 2021Neural transformer architectures have gained a lot of interest for text-based dialogue management in the last few years. They have shown high learning capabilities for open domain dialogue with huge amounts of data and also for domain adaptation in task-oriented setups. But the potential benefits of exploiting the users’ audio signal have rarely been ex- plored in such frameworks. In this work, we combine text dialogue history representations generated by a GPT-2 model with audio embeddings obtained by the recently released Wav2Vec2 transformer model. We jointly fine-tune these models to learn dialogue policies via supervised learning and two policy gradient-based reinforcement learning algorithms. Our experimental results, using the DSTC2 dataset and a sim- ulated user model capable of sampling audio turns, reveal that audio embeddings lead to overall higher task success (than without using audio embeddings) with statistically significant results across evaluation metrics and training algorithms

    Introduction for speech and language for interactive robots

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    This special issue includes research articles which apply spoken language processing to robots that interact with human users through speech, possibly combined with other modalities. Robots that can listen to human speech, understand it, interact according to the conveyed meaning, and respond represent major research and technological challenges. Their common aim is to equip robots with natural interaction abilities. However, robotics and spoken language processing are areas that are typically studied within their respective communities with limited communication across disciplinary boundaries. The articles in this special issue represent examples that address the need for an increased multidisciplinary exchange of ideas

    Cluster-based prediction of user ratings for stylistic surface realisation

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    Hierarchical dialogue optimization using semi-markov decision processes.

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    This paper addresses the problem of dialogue optimization on large search spaces. For such a purpose, in this paper we propose to learn dialogue strategies using multiple Semi-Markov Decision Processes and hierarchical reinforcement learning. This approach factorizes state variables and actions in order to learn a hierarchy of policies. Our experiments are based on a simulated flight booking dialogue system and compare flat versus hierarchical reinforcement learning. Experimental results show that the proposed approach produced a dramatic search space reduction (99.36 than flat reinforcement learning with a very small loss in optimality (on average 0.3 system turns). Results also report that the learnt policies outperformed a hand-crafted one under three different conditions of ASR confidence levels. This approach is appealing to dialogue optimization due to faster learning, reusable subsolutions, and scalability to larger problems

    Learning Multi-Goal Dialogue Strategies Using Reinforcement Learning with Reduced State-Action Spaces

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    Learning dialogue strategies using the reinforcement learning framework is problematic due to its expensive computational cost. In this paper we propose an algorithm that reduces a state-action space to one which includes only valid state-actions. We performed experiments on full and reduced spaces using three systems (with 5, 9 and 20 slots) in the travel domain using a simulated environment. The task was to learn multi-goal dialogue strategies optimizing single and multiple confirmations. Average results using strategies learnt on reduced spaces reveal the following benefits against full spaces: 1) less computer memory (94 % reduction), 2) faster learning (93 % faster convergence) and better performance (8.4 % less time steps and 7.7 % higher reward). Index Terms: reinforcement learning, spoken dialogue systems. 1

    Sparks of Large Audio Models: A Survey and Outlook

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    This survey paper provides a comprehensive overview of the recent advancements and challenges in applying large language models to the field of audio signal processing. Audio processing, with its diverse signal representations and a wide range of sources--from human voices to musical instruments and environmental sounds--poses challenges distinct from those found in traditional Natural Language Processing scenarios. Nevertheless, \textit{Large Audio Models}, epitomized by transformer-based architectures, have shown marked efficacy in this sphere. By leveraging massive amount of data, these models have demonstrated prowess in a variety of audio tasks, spanning from Automatic Speech Recognition and Text-To-Speech to Music Generation, among others. Notably, recently these Foundational Audio Models, like SeamlessM4T, have started showing abilities to act as universal translators, supporting multiple speech tasks for up to 100 languages without any reliance on separate task-specific systems. This paper presents an in-depth analysis of state-of-the-art methodologies regarding \textit{Foundational Large Audio Models}, their performance benchmarks, and their applicability to real-world scenarios. We also highlight current limitations and provide insights into potential future research directions in the realm of \textit{Large Audio Models} with the intent to spark further discussion, thereby fostering innovation in the next generation of audio-processing systems. Furthermore, to cope with the rapid development in this area, we will consistently update the relevant repository with relevant recent articles and their open-source implementations at https://github.com/EmulationAI/awesome-large-audio-models.Comment: work in progress, Repo URL: https://github.com/EmulationAI/awesome-large-audio-model